
PgBouncerWinBinaries is a project to host pre-built Windows binaries of the pgBouncer project.

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PgBouncerWinBinaries is a project to host pre-built Windows binaries of the pgBouncer project.

Build status GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars License: MIT Gitter

Still work in progress, I don’t know where to get pgbevent.dll at the moment. There is also an issue with pandoc in the development state: Check this response on Github for a workaround.

Downloads built by me:

Downloads from Saito:

How to build your own binary

  1. Create a folder like C:\PGBouncerForBuilding. Don’t use special chars or empty spaces or stuff like that.
  2. Download and install MSYS2.
  3. Update the package database and core system packages with: pacman -Syu
  4. If needed, close MSYS2, run it again from Start menu. Update the rest with: pacman -Su
  5. Install the needed packages:

     pacman -S msys/libtool
     pacman -S msys/libevent
     pacman -S msys/autoconf
     pacman -S msys/automake-wrapper
     pacman -S msys/pkg-config
     pacman -S base-devel gcc cmake
     pacman -S msys/libevent-devel
     # Not sure if these are really needed:
     pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libevent
     pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-pkg-config
     pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
  6. If you get the error: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH, you need to do:
    • Install build toools using pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain git subversion mercurial mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake
    • Add C:\msys64\mingw64\bin and C:\msys64\mingw32\bin, in that order, to your PATH variable.
    • Note that MSYS2 also puts a lot of other tools in this directory, most notably Python. So put these entries below any other tools you might have installed in your PATH.
  7. Install pandoc from
  8. Add C:\Program Files\Pandoc to the PATH environment variable.
  9. Go to your root folder, e.g. C:\PGBouncerForBuilding.
  10. Clone the git repository to your folder using:

    git clone
    cd pgbouncer
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  11. Compile for Windows using:

    ./configure ...
    make install
  12. Hint: I have no idea if the installation step for Pandoc is needed or not. If you get errors with Pandoc, don’t pull pgbouncer from Git, but download a release from
  13. Unzip the release to a folder, e.g. C:\PGBouncerForBuilding and go to this directory.
  14. Run the following commands:

    cd pgbouncer-1.12.0 # Adjust this if your release is different.
    ./configure ...
    make install
  15. Your generated files are located under C:\msys64\usr\share\doc\pgbouncer and C:\msys64\usr\bin (If you installed everything in the default directories).
  16. The files you need are:
    • pgbevent.dll (I have no idea where to get this one)?
    • pgbouncer.exe
    • pgbouncer.ini or config.ini or similar
    • users.txt or userslist.txt or similar

Change history

See the Changelog.